failure of fish oilIt’s a fact that there are some 15,000+ “studies” have been conducted on fish oil supplements. Every day there are reports from experts and medical groups of a new effect. Compounding the problem is that many times the researchers themselves don’t even understand what they are truly measuring. They have naïvely credit fish oil for many unsubstantiated benefits. That immense number alone raises the question why there has been so many studies conducted, yet most of them failed.  If something did work, very few confirmations are reported.

The cold-water fish the type of fish reported as best, live in temperatures as low as 32º degrees F, but warm-water fish may live in 70º degree F waters and have 14X LESS EPA/DHA content than their cold-water relatives! Humans live with body temperatures close to 100º F (98.6ºF).

Fish don’t freeze because they have higher levels of the essential fatty acid derivatives EPA/DHA compared to humans. If you were thrown into ice-cold, frigid waters, you’d suffer hypothermia, freeze, and likely die.

EPA/DHA acts as “biological antifreeze” to fish living in frigid waters. Humans don’t require such copious amounts because human body has an internal temperature of 98.6º F. It is perfectly clear that the failure of fish oil has nothing to do with impurities. It has nothing to do with natural triglyceride form vs. processed methyl ester form. Fish oil is physiologically wrong for a human being. Your body alerts you that something is “fishy” about fish oil. Most people develop indigestion or suffer an unpleasant aftertaste with its use.


Mike Maunu – Founder



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