CelluliteCellulite epidemic in America has been increasing over the years even among younger women. With the advent of the low-fat/high carbohydrate diet, physicians noticed the epidemic of increasing cellulite levels. It is a plague for several women even those who are thin and exercise regularly. Glycemic carbohydrates set up one of the prerequisites for the development of cellulite. It was published that Carbohydrate diet led to impaired glycemic and insulin responses. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: “Fats and Oils Consumption in Health and Disease,” Oct. 1997, 66: 4(S), pages 991S-997S. PEOs deficiency is another cause of cellulite development among women.

“Glycosylation” is a term when glucose from carbohydrates “adheres” to blood proteins. Just imagine honey in your arteries. The travel of honey would be slow due to its thickness and sticking ability. The honey sticks to everything. Just imagine that the blood consists of tiny, smooth marbles rolling past each other and the blood contains tiny spherical magnets sticking to each other and to everything. This is the main reason why there’s a little effect on eliminating cellulite even when you do lots of massage, lots of running, or massive amounts of exercise. With less glycemic carbohydrates and adequate PEOs consumption, there will be less cellulite development.

Another direct cause of cellulite is the consumption of trans fats and other adulterated fats. If women stop the consumption of the “magnetizing” adulterated fats and replace them with the natural PEOs, they can prevent cellulite development. PEO is the perfect solution and the most powerful method to cellulite epidemic and several women around the world can benefit from PEOS, which are fully functional natural fats and oils. Now PEOs is truly a powerful method to minimize cellulite.


Mike Maunu – Founder



    1 Response to "How to Minimize Cellulite"

    • GNTM CELLULITE # 2015

      […] the right way to decrease Cellulite the easy Cellulite resolution therapy evaluate … […]

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