Fish Oil FallaciesI have recommended fish oil until I met Professor Brian Peskin about six years ago.  I have reviewed the science Professor Brian Peskin provided and it became clear to me why I did not see clinical results in my patients who took fish oil.  Professor Brian Peskin was the first to provide numerous experiments and studies of several fish oil failures. I was one of those physicians who was brainwashed by only the success and never heard of the failures which often not published.  However, the number of fish oil experiment failures is likely several times greater than the research shows.

I found scientific papers that show that primates fed fish oil had spontaneous oxidizing Marine Oil Meltdown and Fish Oil Fallacies (rusting) of their liver cell membranes that exhausted their vitamin E reserves. That liver condition is quite hazardous. Then Professor Brian Peskin sent me data about spontaneous auto-oxidation of marine oil. DHA is a stunning 320 times more prone to auto-rancidity than monounsaturated olive oil, and seven times more prone than Parent omega-6. There’s just no way that fish oil companies can protect their oils from spontaneous oxidation, or perhaps worse, polymerization (cross linking) of unsaturated bonds, once ingested. This immediate effect explains, to a large extent, the outstanding health of real “raw fooders,” who eat the “Living Foods Diet. We are getting totally unadulterated Parent oils, which are critical for proper cell membrane functioning.

It took many years to make a total break from fish oil. I even had a difficult time believing that Professor Brian Peskin is right, but it is extremely true. Seeing marine oil failures and marine oil dangers, and considering the extreme heat/oxygen liability of marine oils, it became easy to break free of the fish oil myth. For almost five years, I have studied Professor Brian Peskin’s work, and my own independent research confirms it.


Mike Maunu – Founder



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