PEOsTheoretically, it has been told that PEOs would increase arterial flexibility, reduce occlusions, and decrease inflammation, but it was not clinically proven. Scientist Michael Czajka from Australia introduced Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) and DPA, a new technology accepted worldwide finally proving PEOs would increase arterial compliance, clinically! Using photoplethysmography, Professor Peskin designed a seminal experiment to test “The Power of the Parents” for cardiovascular improvement.

Arterial compliance is an important factor in CVD, but there is no drug that increases arterial compliance. Beta blockers/ACE inhibitors simply decrease blood flow, so there is automatic decrease in arterial pressure. Subjects taking those classes of drugs are excluded as they render meaningless true arterial physiologic status.

Screening for arterial flexibility was performed on men and women taking PEOs long-term (24 months average) and shortterm (3 months average), as well as subjects previously taking fish oil then ceasing and utilizing PEOs (3.5 months average). Here are the remarkable results:

  • Long-term PEOs: 8.8 years decrease in “biological age.” NNT = 1.4—73% of subjects improved.
  • Short-term PEOs: 7.2 years decrease in “biological age.” NNT = 2.3—43% of subjects improved in this very short time frame.
  • Fish oil ceased/converted to PEOs: 11.1 years decrease in “biological age.” NNT = 1.2—a remarkable 87% of subjects improved in this very short time frame. Particularly significant is this additional 44% increase in effectiveness in subjects previously taking fish oil supplements. See “Why Fish Oil Fails to Prevent or Improve CVD: A 21st Century Analysis,” Food and Nutrition Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 9A, 2013, pp. 76–85.


Mike Maunu – Founder



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