calcium supplementsThere are two negative of calcium supplements. First, they increase the risk of heart attack. There’s a study that was published in 2010, The British Medical Journal that confirmed that those who were taking calcium supplements had between 27 and 31 percent higher risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular events than those taking a placebo. They also found a similar pattern in 11 other studies. The authors of the study, noted only the modest improvement in bone density, urged a reassessment of the use of calcium supplements to treat osteoporosis.

This brings to the second problem, which is what calcium supplements actually do to human body’s bone structure. The so-called “improvement” in density occurs completely in the wrong manner, which actually makes the bone much less flexible and the patient much more likely to experience fracture. Calcium merely deposits a mineral coating on the bone matrix, not improving the critical bone matrix in the least. Furthermore, a detrimental effect of this therapy is possible acceleration of calcification of the plaque, which is the last stage of cardiovascular disease or CVD. Parent Essential Oils or PEOs are a much better solution to both prevent and treat osteoporosis without contraindications. It only means that calcium supplements should not be taken, you can get calcium from PEOs or from the food that you eat, but just food sources that are still in their “parent” form to ensure that the nutrients are still there. The Textbook of Medical Physiological makes clear that proper bone structure is in its matrix, not the deposited minerals. Osteoporosis is a bone matrix issue and not a mineral issue. Protein and PEOs compromise the critical bone matrix.


Mike Maunu – Founder



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