Alzheimer’sIn the 1950s, there were few fish oil manufacturers and only small amount of fish oil sold in the market so people consumed less fish oil supplements. The supposed benefits of fish were not being marketed in 1950 and fish oil supplementation (being highly susceptible to spoilage) was simply not as common as it is today. Therefore, we should have seen gross pathological disorders like visual impairment and cognitive impairment due to the deficiency of DHA/EPA found in fish oil supplements, which we did not. In1950, there were no tremendous neurological impairments in the brain, eyes and central nervous system of patients particularly in infants due to low DHA levels.

Regarding fish oil, which contains huge amounts of DHA/EPA, one might think it should both prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s and stop the progression of Alzheimer’s in patients with low DHA levels. But NO, fish oil supplement can’t prevent Alzheimer’s disease. It was shown in 2010 that fish oil failed miserably to prevent Alzheimer’s. Fish oil failed to either prevent or to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s. Since the same metabolic pathways are used to both prevent and to slow progression of any disease, it is absurd to make the claim, as was made in front of hundreds of physicians, the fish oil prevents Alzheimer’s, but that once  a person has Alzheimer’s, fish oil won’t slow its progression.

Logic dictates that it is more difficult for a substance to prevent a disease than for a substance to slow progression of the disease. It is illogical to state that fish oil prevents but does not slow progression of Alzheimer’s.


Mike Maunu – Founder



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