Parent Essential OilsSkin is the most dominant and exposed part of human body. It is always exposed to sun’s ultra violet rays that could cause skin cancer. In order to protect your skin from getting dry and prevent from any skin diseases such as skin cancer, you have to take care of it by not just using skin treatments, but by eating healthy diet. Most skin treatments today are just superficial. If you want to have a healthy skin, you have to look for a permanent solution and that is by eating foods that contain essential nutrients, especially Parent Essential Oils or PEOs.

You can only acquire PEOs by eating foods that contain them like fresh fruits and vegetables. Since your skin needs a lot of water, you have to eat more of PEOs-based foods like fruits and vegetables. Water helps moisturize your skin inside and out. Wrinkles and skin dryness is caused by dehydration and PEOs can help reduce them. Cellulite is another problem that several men and women are facing today and even teenagers. And the only known solution for cellulite removal is through laser, but this is only temporary and cellulites will come out again. PEOs help reduce cellulites, because PEOs-based foods like fruits and vegetables produce water and it will be distributed to your entire body and that includes your skin. In order to prevent skin cancer, cellulites and wrinkles, you have to eat adequate amount of PEOs. It is the only solution to have a beautiful and youthful skin inside and out permanently.


Mike Maunu – Founder



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