PEOsIf you don’t have sufficient PEOs in your body, don’t be alarmed. You can still get sufficient PEOs by concentrating on the consumption of fully functional “Parents”. You can get PEOs by consuming foods that are rich in Parent omega 6 and Parent omega 3. These kinds of foods should usually be eaten fresh and raw. These great sources are mostly living plants and cattle animals.

However, most of us were told that fish oil is rich in Parent omega 3, this notion is wrong. Fish oil can’t supplement PEOs deficiency. Fish oil supplementation might compromise your entire immune system. It can negatively affect your body’s EFA-related ecosanoid metabolism. So if you’re taking fish oil without your physician’s recommendation, stop taking them before it brings any harm to your body’s immune system. Overdose in marine oil based supplements can cause colds, flu and other sicknesses caused by compromised immune system.

If your immune system is already compromised, the better solution is PEOs. It will help boost your immune system. Get supplements by eating living plants like fresh fruits and vegetables. You can also get PEOs from nuts and essential oils like walnuts and sunflower seeds. Cattle animals like goat and cow are also great sources of PEOs as long as their source of food is grass. Grass is a great source of Parent omega 6 and Parent omega 3. In order to get loads of PEOs from the meat you eat, don’t over-cook them. Over-cooking of meat may lose all the proteins and PEOs that you can get from them and they can easily be digested.


Mike Maunu – Founder



    1 Response to "Get sufficient PEOs to Boost Your Immune System"

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