plant-based proteinIf you are a radiologist, you likely saw the 2005 Omniheart study in This study, which originally appeared in JAMA, is scientifically accurate, but not popular in today’s climate of “political correctness.” It shows a reduction of blood pressure and an improvement of lipid profiles when proteins or unsaturated fats (PEOs) are substituted for carbohydrates. Likewise, the protein-rich diet resulted in better numbers for LDL and triglycerides compared with those eating high-carb diets. (See Scientific Support at for more information.)

Olive oil contains few PEOs (7%), so the study’s findings would have been significantly stronger if a more significant PEO-containing oil blend had been used instead. You have to consume plant-based protein or better yet just eat foods with loads of PEOs to help reduce blood pressure and to have a better health.

Proteins are also important in assisting blood clotting when needed, as well as performing many other important bio physiologic tasks.

Any expert’s recommendation to restrict protein is likely not based on science, but on a faulty premise. If there were a recommendation against protein consumption, it might come from the concern about consuming the additives (hormones/pesticide residues) used to raise the animals.

If you want to become become healthy, Lean-for-life, and energized, you must resist listening to wrong advice. If you follow popular opinion and “conventional dietary wisdom,” your waiting rooms will continue to overflow.

“Effects of protein, monounsaturated fat, and study carbohydrate intake on blood pressure and serum lipids: results of the Omniheart randomized trial,” Journal of the American Medical Society 2005; 294:2455-2464.


Mike Maunu – Founder



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