CVDThe journal articles, “Dietary fatty acids with trans unsaturation,” “Membrane fatty acid composition of rat skeletal muscle is most responsive to the balance of dietary omega 3 and omega 6 PUFA,” and “Quantitative effects of dietary polyunsaturated fats on the composition of fatty acids [PEOs] in rat tissues,” make very clear the dangers of consuming adulterated fats and how they are incorporated into all tissues and organs [not just adipose tissue]:

“The concentration in adipose tissue triacylglycerols is roughly proportional to the dietary concentration and is now frequently used as a measure of relative dietary intakes.” “It has been long known that the fatty acid composition of the diet can influence membrane fatty acid composition.”

“The tissues maintained a linear relationship [proportional] between the amount of 18-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acids [EFAs] in the diet and in the tissue…. Plasma, liver, and red [blood] cells all tended to maintain omega 3 / omega 6 [Parent omega 3 / 6 ratio] of the diet being fed….”

It is a fact that the more adulterated fats you consume, the more of these poisons are incorporated into your tissues and organs. This analysis confirms other researchers’ findings. This harmful incorporation causes lack of optimal functionality and oxygen impairment or hypoxia too. Parent omega 6 (LA) is where the majority of the damage occurs. Findings presented at American Heart Association meeting, June 2000: (1) Ideal diet for cardiovascular [CVD] prevention contains healthy essential oils [EFAs]. (2) Lowering fat intake is not effective for reducing cardiovascular risk. (3) Fats should be placed low on cancer risk list.

Mike Maunu – Founder



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