Parent omega 6The Science Daily article titled, “Cellular Renewal Process May Underlie Benefits of Omega [6 series] Fatty Acids, which reports on the journal article titled, “Parent omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids extend life span through the activation of Autophagy.” You can see more Scientific Support at

“These results show not only that dietary supplementation with Parent omega 6 PUFAs activates a conserved cellular response normally triggered by fasting, but also that long-term administration of Parent omega 6 PUFAs can render the beneficial effects of low-caloric intake even in ad libitum feeding conditions…”

It is the Parent omega 6 series that is critical, not the Parent omega 3 series. In their experiment, epithelial tissue was used, which is consist of skin, intima (artery linings), and the linings of all organs. All carcinomas suffer epithelial defect. Supplementation will increase life span plus you will get the benefit of “calorie restriction” without starving.

“Influence of omega-3 fatty acids on the prostaglandin-metabolism in healthy volunteers … synergistic effect of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids at low doses which is greater than the effect of high doses of n-3 fatty acids alone.” Prostaglandins in the Cardiovascular System, 1992.

Consuming Parent omega 6 rather than derivative is more beneficial because it fulfills your appetite and reduces your cravings for sweets as proved by Dr. Cavallino. Fish oil fails again because there are no fish oil components either Parent or derivative in epithelial tissue. Furthermore, Parent omega 6 is important to patient’s eating less and losing more body fat without cravings.  PEOs are the ultimate support for mitochondrial integrity and functionality.


Mike Maunu – Founder



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