ProteinMedical experts and nutritionists often said that protein is not good for the kidneys, which is actually not true. It’s the carbohydrates that are dangerous to the kidneys and not protein. What endanger kidneys are high blood glucose levels. The great cause of kidney failure is diabetes, which is the cause of high-carbohydrate consumption.

If you perform an internet search on “kidney, high protein diet”, you will find articles that could really attest to the scientific fact that there is no problem with protein. A great example is “The concomitant increase of renal net acid excretion and maximum renal acid excretion capacity in periods of high protein intake appears to be a highly effective response of the kidney to a specific food intake leaving a large renal surplus capacity for an additional renal acid load.”

Protein does not cause kidney failure. For people who are having back pains or injured back, you should rest your back to ease or heal the pain. For people who have kidney disease, it may make sense to just restrict protein consumption somewhat, but not totally cut it from your diet.

If you are doing exercise like running, your body produces “extra” carbon dioxide, which is a waste product because respiration increases. But if you eat more protein, you automatically produce more ammonia. Your body is made to easily handle this, just like your body is made to easily handle the stress of exercise, with its associated systematic oxygen deficiency.

This is important that you understand that protein is healthy and carbohydrate is not. You have to consume more protein regularly. Meat is a great source of protein as well as PEOs. Plant-based protein is also great especially for vegetarians, but they should consume more to acquire the right amount of protein that their body needs.


Mike Maunu – Founder




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