Vegetarian DietA relatively low-fat, raw vegetarian diet is a healthy way of living. Why? Because fresh fruits and vegetables are great sources of PEOs and your body needs high levels of PEOs because it easily burns. However, vegetables should be fresh and does not have to undergo cooking or adulteration to retain their nutrients.

In a zoo, animals are fed by their specific diet. They are given foods that are just exactly that are best for them and their food are usually raw. So if humans were kept in a zoo, the zookeeper would probably feed the humans with fresh fruits and vegetables. It is the healthiest way of eating to stay fit and fulfill PEOs daily requirement.

Dr. Rowen had taught on how to be a successful vegetarian, he said that grains must be minimized and it made no difference whether they were organic or not. Below are the four categories of vegetarian diets:

  • Macrobiotic
  • Raw foods
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian

If your consumption of adulterated oils is very little, you are only required to consume less PEOs because there is only little defective PEOs to overcome. The “Living Foods” diet is the best way supplement the Parent Omega 6 and Parent Omega 3 needed by your body to stay healthy and help prevent from any sickness especially arthritis, cancer, diabetes and other diseases that are life threatening. Make sure that you only eat fresh and raw foods (fruits and vegetables) that are not cooked to retain their nutrients. Nuts and oils are also great sources of PEOs as well as protein for people that are practicing vegan diet.


Mike Maunu – Founder



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